Monday, May 4, 2009

Its a................................................

Boy............ Baby A is a boy we are so excited to finally put a name to this little one not sure what yet but working on it.. He looks great........
Girl............Baby B is a girl can not believe it....... Never thought it would happen..... We do have a namen for this little one.. Isabella Eileen named partially after my Mom....
When she said it was a girl I began to get teary I prayed for a little girl years ago... My dream and prayer was answered in the form of my beautifull stepdaughter Tessa... When she was taken away I questioned my faith my God and his plan my love for her is not gone and I think of her all of the time and pray for her but this little one is the proof that God keeps his promises and I am getting my little girl.. God also gave me a stepson named Cody who was also the answer to my prayers for a brother for Andrew... Same story and miss him more then I can say... However God had other plans in the form of these little ones... The birth of these little ones will not take away the pain and the loss but a reminder that he keeps his promises.......I am overwhelmed with love and excitement.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

woo hoo!!!! congratulations!!!!! i can't wait to see a picture of you holding your son and your daughter, with your husband and your oldest son! so exciting! can't wait to hear what your little boy's name will be!