Monday, December 8, 2008

Here we go again

Well trying agin this month... Actually toward the end of this journey again.... Once again I got to experience the hyperstimulation nausea ect that I had last time. This time however we almost cancelled the cycle several times as well as attempting to turn it into an IVF cycle when we had way too many eggs cooking on the wrong side.. Now one week post IUI I am trying not o be nerotic or anxious but it is so hard... At time I feel pregnant and others know I am not... Either way I know it was ment to be and trying to wait for perfect timimg that I can not control... One week from today all of the waiting will be over and either we are done or start saving for IVF in February.... Either option is exciting however I prefer to hope that this is it and we are all done with IF and ready to move on to being parents ..


bre said...

I hope this is your month! And as far as trying not to be neurotic.. let me know if you figure out how!


sue said...

how are you?