Thursday, November 13, 2008

Recognizing a miracle

15 years ago to this day I had one of those life changing experiences..... As I look back as I have done for the last 15 years there are so many things that I wish I wold have know then .... As a 19 year old facing a very unplanned pregnancy I cried on this day as though my life were ending and yet I wish I would have known that it was probably the best and one of the most significant moments of my life...... Today I cry because the stick did not have two lines and because I feel fine..... Some of the similarities are the same... I then had a hard time getting out of bed and facing my future that seemed so bleak.... Today I have a hard time getting out of bed because once again the future looks so bleak.... However I am learning through both unplanned pregnancy and infertility that God will get me through this as he has the last 15 years... Although I cant plan the outcome I can trust him in the journey...... I have neglected him for so long and tried and planned on my own but realize that I really need to go back to the basics and stand or actually kneel before him like I did 15 years ago and pray for his mercy grace and forgiveness for whatever life holds........ Above all else I need to recognize the one true miracle in my life.... I am so gratefull for being able to be a Mom.... I guess I just need to realize that I already haveone more miracle then a lot of people... I wish I would have known then to enjoy the journey and love every minute of the life and circumstances I was given.. My prayer today is to somehow enjoy this journey the same way hoping and praying that 15 years from now this experience will also prove to be a different type of life changing experience..........

1 comment:

sue said...

thanks for sharing this beautiful story!